New Selected (Fresh) Students
These are the students that have been selected by TCU and confirmed by the Ardhi University to persue different degree programmes. The following are the steps for a New Selected (Fresh) Student to Register.
- Make sure you are in the list of selected students to join Ardhi University
- After you have seen your name, Click on Online Registration (Fresh Students) Link
- Login using your registration number ( eg 9888/T.2017) as username and surname in CAPITAL letter as password (eg if the surname is Komanya, the password will be KOMANYA)
- After login using your registration number and surname, you will be reset your password. Enter your new password which must contain Capital letters, Lower case letters and numbers with the total length of 7 or more
- Once you have successfully logged in into your account you will see the following menus on your left: 1. Registration 2. Accommodation 3. My Accounts.
- Fill all details in an online Registration Form by clicking the Registration Menu.. Make sure you provide all the required Information in items 1-8.
- Download Medical Examination FORM C by clicking Medical Examination link
- Go to the bank and make all required payments as listed in your admission letter
- Go to the Hospital and perform Medical Checkup. Medical Examination FORM C should then be filled and signed by a medical Officer
- Go to the Bursar's office and submit Bank Pay Slips for Verification
- Go to your Head of Department and Submit all required Certificates for Verification
- Go to the Director of Undergraduate Programmes (DUP) and submit all required Certificates for Verification
- Finally, Login to the Registration System. You should be able to see all the registration Requirements Verified
- You can download the registration form if required